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Tečaj risanja portreta, Motovun, Istra, Hrvaška


Motovun Hrvaška

Prikaži na zemljevidu
Kontakt Travel Tourist Telefon +385 52 816 122 Gsm +385 98 324 633 Fax +385 52 816 088 Povpraševanje


KategorijaŠola za risanje in slikanje
Pickup Locationmotovun
Prodaja sezona08.04. - 04.11.
Odrasli Cena 1520 € / na osebo
Min. Osebe
Izračun cene
Število oseb: Odrasli: 2
Otroci: 0
Obdobje: 01.04.2025
Odrasli (2):
Otroci (0):

3040.00 €
0.00 €
Total 3040.00 €
Min persons: 8


We provide all-inclusive painting holidays and we pay great attention to every aspect of it from the initial booking process including your special requirements to how we look after you on the holiday. We even include all art materials necessary on all holidays abroad, so you don’t have to worry about what materials to pack.

Under the expert  eye of an team of specialist in drawing and painting guests will explore the  beutiful villages and towns, as well as enjoying the countryside and  capture the stunning scenery of the nature in Croatia.There will be a lovely holiday atmosphere where you will have a lot of fun, relax and enjoy your stay. You will receive excellent tuition, stay in lovely villas or hotels, visit beautiful painting locations and interesting excursion with professional guide.

The Programme includes

  • Airport transfers (from Pula or Trieste airport)
  • 7 night accommodation with breakfast in Hotel Kaštel - Motovun
  • Transfers to all exursions and painting  locations
  • 7 dinner with wine at the hotel restorant
  • 4 day painting or drawing tuition
  • All painting tools and materials
  • Tickets for Motovun culinary workshop 

Non included

  • Flight tickets non included
  • Available bicycles  rentals for painter and non painter guests
  • Tickets for golf course at Golf Club Motovun are available for painter and non painter guests 


  • Center m
  • Autobusna stanica 500m
  • Letališče 40km

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