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Turistična ponudba, aktivnosti, izleti Smučišče Kobla

Številne turistične ponudbe za Zdravstveni turizem Smučišče Kobla, Aktivni turizem Smučišče Kobla, Kultura Turizem Smučišče Kobla Kot tudi Gastronomija Smučišče Kobla, Nočno življenje Smučišče Kobla, Prenosi Smučišče Kobla.

Posebna ponudba izletov in aktivnosti po ugodnih cenah!

Izkoristite nekaj izletov in aktivnosti, ki jih ponujajo in dokončanje počitnice v Smučišče Kobla

Ali potujete sami ali z nekom, če jemljete otroke z vami ali ne, v naši ponudbi aktivnosti, izlete in druge turistične ponudbe v Smučišče Kobla Boste zagotovo našli ponudbo, ki vam ustreza!

On the west -side of Gorenjska region is situated the lake of Bohinj, one of the pearls of that region and of the entire Slovenia in general.
Near the lake of Bohinj, just 5 km away, is settled Bohinjska Bistrica, the largest town on the area of Bohinj lake, above which has found his place the Kobla-ski resort. The view on the lake of Bohinj and on the mount of Triglav-the highest peak in Slovenia, give to any skier and visitor of the ski resort Kobla an unique experience.
Kobla was the first ski resort in Slovenia in 1914.-which is a less known fact, and it is the only one reachable by train, because is situated on a significantly lower highness then the other ones-521m above sea. For the same reason here is where the lower wiry, who lead at the nearest ski-paths, starts. The ski resort has some easier and medium difficulty ski paths, and the longest ski-path has...


Smučišče Kobla - Turistična ponudba, aktivnosti, izleti Ponudba