
Prenosi Bosiljevo

Turistične prenosi pomeni potovanje iz enega kraja v drugega, je pogosto odhod od doma do želene turistične destinacije. Potovalne agencije ponujajo različne posle v zvezi s prevozom turistov, vendar je njihova ponudba razširila turistične ponudbe, ki so pogosto zunaj meja svojih običajnih območjih prenosa. Turistične prenosi pogosto trajajo dlje kot en dan, a cilj je zadovoljiti potniki na področju zabave, hrane in pijače, in splošnih koristi, medtem ko potujete.

The town of Bosiljevo is located approximately 25 km of the city of Karlovac. The town is situated between the rivers of Dobra and Kupa. The western border of the river Kupa is at the same time the state border with the Republic of Slowenia. Towards south, the municipal of Bosiljevo borders with the Primorsko-Goranska County and the town Vrbovsko, on the south-east with the town Ogulin, on the east with the town Generalski Stol and in the north with the municipal Netretic. Over the years, many residents of Bosiljevo have emigrated to the USA and Canada. Most every household in the community has relatives in another part of the world.
Many archeological finds are the proof of the Croatian existence in this area, and first writen documents go back to the year 1334. In the village and its surroundings, there are prehistoric tumuli, and finds from antiquity (Roman graves). The medieval fortified town of Bosiljevo is irregular in form, and was adapted in the Romantic style (after 1825, for the Count L. Nugent, and again in the early...


Prenosi Bosiljevo Ponudba