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Prireditve in zabave Zagreb


Zabavne vsebine so danes pomemben del turizma. Kot turizem napreduje, je potreba po vsebini turiste časa, porabljenega na bolj zabaven in prijeten način. Tako je potreba po zabavnih vsebin spodbudilo različne projekte, ki se osredotoča na igranje turistov, kot so gledališke predstave, koncerte, športne aktivnosti, različnih tekmovanjih, festivalih in mnogi drugi. Široka paleta zabavnih vsebin nudimo turistom napolnjena počitnice in veliko srečnih spominov.

Zagreb is the capital and largest city in the Republic of Croatia. It is located at the base of Mt. Medvednica (Zagrebacka Gora) beside the River Sava's tract. The central geographical location in the south western part of the Panonian Valley, surrounded by Alps, Dinarida, Adriatic and Panonian regions are what enable Zagreb excellent connections to Europe and the Adriatic Sea.
Smaller towns surrounding Zagreb have now been more or less combined into one whole. They are: Sesvete, Zapresic, Samobor, Dugo Selo, and Velika Gorica.
Zagreb is a large tourist centre, not only a transitional point between western and central Europe and the Adriatic Sea. Zagreb is enriched with cultural and historical monuments (galleries and museums), shopping centres, high quality restaurants, hotels and sports-recreation centres.
Zagreb also has to offer several accommodating services such as: flowers shops, pet shop, dry cleaners, hair salons, beauty salons, photo studios, boutiques, jewellers, driving schools... This city is also a major centre congressional and business tourism therefore offering wide variety of accommodations-apartments, rooms and hotels.
As a student city, Zagreb has...


Prireditve in zabave Zagreb Ponudba