Prenosi Avstrija
Turistične prenosi pomeni potovanje iz enega kraja v drugega, je pogosto odhod od doma do želene turistične destinacije. Potovalne agencije ponujajo različne posle v zvezi s prevozom turistov, vendar je njihova ponudba razširila turistične ponudbe, ki so pogosto zunaj meja svojih običajnih območjih prenosa. Turistične prenosi pogosto trajajo dlje kot en dan, a cilj je zadovoljiti potniki na področju zabave, hrane in pijače, in splošnih koristi, medtem ko potujete.
Austria is a largely mountainous country due to its location in the Alps. The Central Eastern Alps, Northern Limestone Alps and Southern Limestone Alps are all partly in Austria. Of the total area of Austria, only about a quarter can be considered low lying, and only 32% of the country is below 500 metres (1,640 ft). The Alps of western Austria give way somewhat into low lands and plains in the eastern part of the country.
The greater part of Austria lies in the cool/temperate climate zone, where humid westerly winds predominate. With nearly three-quarters of the country dominated by the Alps, the alpine climate is predominant. In the east—in the Pannonian Plain and along the Danube valley—the climate shows continental features with less rain than the alpine areas.