Prireditve in zabave Bjelovar
Zabavne vsebine so danes pomemben del turizma. Kot turizem napreduje, je potreba po vsebini turiste časa, porabljenega na bolj zabaven in prijeten način. Tako je potreba po zabavnih vsebin spodbudilo različne projekte, ki se osredotoča na igranje turistov, kot so gledališke predstave, koncerte, športne aktivnosti, različnih tekmovanjih, festivalih in mnogi drugi. Široka paleta zabavnih vsebin nudimo turistom napolnjena počitnice in veliko srečnih spominov.
Bjelovar a town in the Lonja-Ilova basin, in the southern piedmont part of Bilogora. Cultural, administrative and business centre of the Bilo-gora-Moslavina region. Among cultural and historical monuments of this town, built according to physical plans, the most interesting are the Town Museum building, the parish church of St. Theresa with the Historic Archives and the "Preradovi" barracks.
Bjelovar Livestock Exhibition (in September) is the main annual event in the town. Sports grounds and outdoor swimming pools, as well as the surrounding forests (Bilogora) provide various sports and recreational opportunities. The forests are rich in game. There is an abundance of fish in the esma and Plavnica rivers, as well as in the fishponds Siscani, Narta, etc.