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Nightlife Ližnjan


Ponudba turizem v veliki meri prispeva k nočno življenje. Več in več mest in turistična ponudba destinacije temelji na pretežno mlade populacije, ki zahteva izpolnitev ves dan in noč bivanje v mestu. Mladi na počitnice preživeti aktivno nočno življenje, so zainteresirani za zabavo, druženje, srečanja in turistična ponudba vse bogatejše vsebine, ki so jih daje. To je običajno gostinske storitve, razvoj bogato nočno življenje z različnimi zabavne in pop koncerti dejavnosti za mlade, nočnih klubih organizirana vsebino, ki ni več omejena na zaprtem prostoru, vendar je bil razširiti na ulice, trgi, plaže, kampiranje in bazenov, medtem ko je v organizacijo tovrstnih dogodkov vključujejo celotno prebivalstvo kraja. Nočno življenje, vendar pa se ne osredotoča le na potrebe mladih, vendar je ponudba razširila na vsebino, ki ustreza starejši del populacije, in spodaj, ki vključuje ogled igralnih klubi, bari, pubi, igralnic in drugih podobnih objektov. Dobra organizacija, nočno življenje, bogate in zanimive vsebine razviti turistične točke.

Liznjan is a village in the southern part of Istria, 12 km south-west of Pula, 2 km of Medulin. A picturesque fishermen`s village, a resort for all the tourists who want to avoid summer crowds, with a nice beach in the vicinity. Angling represents a possible pastime as well as hunting in the surroundings.
Chief occupations are farming and tourism - horsemanship. There is a ranch situated between Medulin and Liznjan, offering riding.
Although traditionally oriented towards agriculture and fishing, Liznjan is also known for its 28 km coastline dotted with many rocky beaches, while the place itself has a wonderful swimming beach. Marlera promontory and its beach are the most famous attractions of Liznjan. The beach is facing south, and just across there is a small island Levan with a beautiful sand beach. 6 km from Ližnjan, on the south-east coast of Marlera promontory we find Cape Grkova. From 1865 to 1880 lasted the construction of a lighthouse that the people from Ližnjan call Lanterna. Below the Svetica Hill, there are severals small coves with stone/gravel beaches.


Nightlife Ližnjan Ponudba